Friday, October 31, 2008

Portfolio5, a short summary of two articles

A summary of two articles "A computer that can 'read' your mind" and "Ethics and mapping the bran". 

The two articles describe the positive sides and negative sides of brain mapping technologies. In "A computer that can 'read' your mind", the author explains the positive effects.  For example, a computer model can foretells the brain activation patterns associated with things people experience with their senses. Or in frontal areas associated with planning functions and long-term memory, the work might be used to identify thoughts and could have applications in the study of autism, disorders of thought such as paranoid schizophrenia, and semantic dementias such as Pick's disease. All those positive results show that with correct studies on brain pattern, researchers could analyse human thought processes, which could help a great deal in fighting with brain-related diseases. On the other hand, in the article "Ethics and mapping the brain", negatives effects are explained. Although the brain mapping technology could reveal the contents of a persons memory, predict mental disorders or giftedness, and tell whether a person is lying, there can be a lot more to worry about, mainly on how do we use the technologies. There would be huge problem if those technologies are misused. For example, people might be fired just because of the bad result shown by the technology, without further integation or expalination. And parients might be too eager to check out what's in their childrens' brain, as to predict the children's futhur. Furthurmore, questions like who will be given the right to use the technologies, how and in what condition can we use them, how do we deal with the results from the technologies and so on should be paid great attention. 

In conclution, brain mapping technologies surely could bring us a big step forward in understanding the relationship between brain pattern and human thought processes, so furthurmore help us with certain mental diseases. However, what caution us all is that in case these technologies are not properly used, serious consequences could happen, and innocent people may have to bear extra pain. Therefore when brain technologies are put in practise, we must pay great attention about how to use them, and how to deal with the results. 

Friday, October 24, 2008

Portfolio 4, writing in engineering classes

This portfolio is discussing the difficulties we have writing in engineering classes, how to resolve the difficulties and how will us continue to improve.

Take my work in MLE1101 as an example, the greatest difficulty I face is lacking of vacabulary. In MLE1101, i.e. Material Sceince and Engineering, there are lots of abstract names and difficult concepts. When the lecturer is teaching, I often encounter a lot of doubts because i cannot understand what the lecturer is refering to. It is not becouse I don't understand the knowledge, but because I can't recognise all the new words. My vocabulary has restricted me from learning the knowledge effectively. 

In terms of writing, despite the problem of difficult abstract words, another major problem is that it is difficult to describe the knowledge itself. When I want to explain an idea, often what happens is that I can't make myself understood. For MLE1101, or any other sceintific subjects, there are certain specific ways of describing, illustrating, and communicating the concepts. Instead of everyday English, acadamic English is typically necessary.

Therefore we can see that the major problem is writing acadamic English, from both the aspect of vocabulary and way of speaking. The way of overcoming this problems is to practice more on certain subject, on its typical vocabulary and waying of describing, explaining and discussing the ideas. The more we get used to their acadamic tune, the better we can understand the knowledge and make ourselves understood in writing. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Portfolio 3: Summary

This portfolio is a summary of a 500-1000 words article related to the 14 grand challenges. I chose the topic "renewing and sustaining the aging infrastructures of cities and services". The article is "Restore and improve urban infrastricture", from

The definition of infrastructure given by the author is "the combination of fundamental systems that support a community, region, or a country". Infrastructure means the facilities that support human reactions on the planet. Take a look at the place where you live, it has basic facilities such as houses to live in, drinkable water, public transportations, energy supplies, sewer and waste systems so on and so forth.  Nowadays  nearly most of the infrastructures are facing aging problems, that is, they are in need of repairing or replacing, especially for urban infrastructures, which are rather complex and are changing rapidly.

Firstly, as civilization has become more and more complex, a great challenge to today's engineers is to design and build elaborate fundamental structures. Nowadays blooming communication technologies are adding difficulties to the design of fundamental infrastructures. For example when building houses, there must be some cables for telephone lines, internet access, TV cables so on and so forth. On the other hand, as new pursuits of energy are in need, the applications of solar energy program, remote wind program and so on willalso make a difference in the design of infrastructure in modern society.

Secondly, the aging infrastructures are in need of updating and repairing. The underground pipes and cables are not so easy to cope with as they are buried deep inside. Therefore, the approach of mapping and labling these underground infrastructures is quite significant and challenging. Also, engineers should take note that the approaches and projects should be economically feasible not only for developed countries, but for most developing countries as well. 

Thirdly, as one of society's favourate words describes :' sustainable'. Infrastructures are not biscuit something, they would most probably retain for over several ten years. In that way, engineers should pay great attention to the sustainability of the infrastructures. This requires a big picture or a blue print which considers future developments. Furthermore, it is urgent also to consider how will human live in harmony with nature. Cities are causing troubles for nature by producing great deal of sewers and wastes. Protecting the environment is one of the top priorities.

In conclusion, modern infrastructures are facing aging problems, and quite a number of them are in need of updating or repairing. Today's engineers are required with the abilities to design and build sustaining infrastructures that can both meet the need of developing civilization and of living in harmony with nature.