Friday, October 24, 2008

Portfolio 4, writing in engineering classes

This portfolio is discussing the difficulties we have writing in engineering classes, how to resolve the difficulties and how will us continue to improve.

Take my work in MLE1101 as an example, the greatest difficulty I face is lacking of vacabulary. In MLE1101, i.e. Material Sceince and Engineering, there are lots of abstract names and difficult concepts. When the lecturer is teaching, I often encounter a lot of doubts because i cannot understand what the lecturer is refering to. It is not becouse I don't understand the knowledge, but because I can't recognise all the new words. My vocabulary has restricted me from learning the knowledge effectively. 

In terms of writing, despite the problem of difficult abstract words, another major problem is that it is difficult to describe the knowledge itself. When I want to explain an idea, often what happens is that I can't make myself understood. For MLE1101, or any other sceintific subjects, there are certain specific ways of describing, illustrating, and communicating the concepts. Instead of everyday English, acadamic English is typically necessary.

Therefore we can see that the major problem is writing acadamic English, from both the aspect of vocabulary and way of speaking. The way of overcoming this problems is to practice more on certain subject, on its typical vocabulary and waying of describing, explaining and discussing the ideas. The more we get used to their acadamic tune, the better we can understand the knowledge and make ourselves understood in writing. 


yironglim said...

about cant understand wat lecturer is refering, maybe you can try to revise the chapter first before attending the lectur. it will be lots more different

Xinyu said...

Opps~i think most of us encounter the difficulty that it is quite hard to recognize what the lecturer is referring to quickly.In fact I am worrying about such things will be more serious next term, because you know we chemical students will learn the CM modules...(I will suffer)I think yirong provides a quite effective way to deal with the problem.The problem will be solved sooner or later.

WANG QING said...

MLE seemed to a big problem we all encountered. The following 3 chemical modules for chemical engineering are waiting for me to suffer. Hopefully I can survive.
The essay described the problems clearly; however, can you give us more practical and specific ways to overcome these problems??

wanglongfei said...

It is quite substantial to use examples to show your idea. Besides, it also makes your idea more clear.